Historical accuracy, although it is very important it is not a main goal of Call of Cthulhu game neither this application. But the real reason is impossibility of providing such accuracy. That would require a huge amount of historical work to determine what was and what wasn't historically possible.
Call fo Cthulhu RPG is a game where players fun is more important than historical accuracy. Especially when we are talking about 1920's in the USA, with racisms and poor women rights (1920 - women right to vote).
CoC RPG is also a game of imagination, therefore even though characters like 17 yo woman, doctor of medicine are completely historically inaccurate, it doesn't need to be interpret literally.
Last but not least, for those users that still feel a need for historical accuracy, generator provides a plenty of options that to some point allows to achieve it. User can choose an era, age, gender etc. to generate characters as much historically accurate as user wants it to be.
As for now, not really. There are plans to introduce an option of creating a completely random character.
Right now, the best option to achieve it is to leave all fields empty and select occupation "random". That will allow to ignore all characteristics, and era options.
When real player are creating their characters for the game, they usually tends to maximize the amount of points that they can distribute among character's skills. To achieve that they usually choose occupation that suites best for the generated characteristics. The same thing can be achieve, when using alternative ways of creating a character. Player can choose first occupation and them try to fit characteristics that best suits it.
"occupation (optimal)" allows to mimic such behavior. It means that the program choose an occupation that maximize the amount of skills points to distribute, based on prior generated main characteristics, such as strength, dexterity, education and appearance.
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