Welcome in Call of Cthulhu Character Generator

Fast way of creating a random character for Call of Cthulhu RPG 7th ed.

About the project

cochar is a python package for generating random characters for Call of Cthulhu role playing game 7th edition. This website is a demonstration of its power.

To create character go to generator section, set the parameters that you want and press "Generate character" button.

I also provide a web API, to see more go to docs section.


The origin of this project starts in 2019, when I started to learn Python programming language. It begun as a side project to learn Python fundamentals. The best about programming is that you can create things that you need by your own. As a game master I needed to create characters during a game. I couldn't find any existing tool that would satisfy me. So I created one.

Time has passed and the project was growing. After putting a vast amount of work into it, I decided to share it with publicity.

Please remember that this is a solo project. I'm trying to maintain it as professional as I can, but I'm not even a developer. With that having said I hope you enjoy it :)


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If you have you spotted an issue, or have a suggestion how to improve cochar, please, create an issue in the project's github page. It will be later triage. If triage ends positively it will be included in the the project's plan.

Legal note

Cochar is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3.

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